
Instruments of Torture

Circus Folk & Village Freaks

Aparna Upadhyaya Sanyal

Aparna holds an MA in Education Management from Kings College, London. She is a recipient of the 14th Beullah Rose Poetry Prize by Smartish Pace and was shortlisted for the 2018 Third Coast Fiction Prize. 'Instruments of Torture' is Aparna’s fiction debut that releases on 21st Feb 2024 with HarperCollins, India.

Aparna's debut book, 'Circus Folk & Village Freaks' released in Oct 2018 and has been #1 on the Poetry Bestseller list and #1 on the Hot New Releases list on Amazon, India. It is the 1st featured poetry recommendation on 'Sonali's Book Club' and has garnered over two hundred 5 star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. It has stellar reviews in publications such as The Hindu, The Asian Age, The Indian Express, Midweek, SheThePeople, et al. Aparna's publication credits include international anthologies and journals such as The Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English 20-21, The Hong Kong Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2020, The Penn Review, Smartish Pace, Dunes Review, SOFTBLOW, Vayavya, Typehouse Literary Magazine, et al.

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Instruments of Torture

Circus Folk & Village Freaks